Claire Roberts
Global Literary Management LLC
Claire Roberts Global Literary Management represents authors of literary fiction, upmarket crime fiction, upmarket commercial fiction, history, memoir and upmarket nonfiction.
We are not currently representing authors of science fiction, romance, westerns, screenplays, poetry, how-to, diet and fitness titles, or sports books.
How to submit/guidelines: If interested in representation, please send a query by e-mail. In your query please include a short description of your work, a line or two about yourself and your publishing history, if any, and information about published works or literary awards. Please do not attach any texts until you have been asked to provide them. We will not open or read queries with attachments unless they have been requested.
Please allow 6 weeks for a response. If you have not had a response in that time, please assume that we are not the right agency for your work. Due to the volume of submissions, we regret that we cannot respond to every query.
Please e-mail your query to: info[at]clairerobertsglobal[dot]com